Star Wars ASCII Art
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   .               A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...   .
      .               .           .               .        .             .
      .      .            .                 .                                .
  .      .         .         .   . :::::+::::...      .          .         .
      .         .      .    ..::.:::+++++:::+++++:+::.    .     .
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     .        .                                                           .
     .     .                                                           .      .
   .     .                                                        .
               .   A terrible civil war burns throughout the           .     .
                  galaxy: a rag-tag group of freedom fighters   .  .
      .       .  has risen from beneath the dark shadow of the            .
 .        .     evil monster the Galactic Empire has become.                  .
    .             Imperial  forces  have  instituted  a reign of   .      .
              terror,  and every  weapon in its arsenal has  been
           . turned upon the Rebels  and  their  allies:  tyranny, .   .
    .       oppression, vast fleets, overwhelming armies, and fear.        .  .
 .      .  Fear  keeps  the  individual systems in line,  and is the   .
          prime motivator of the New Order.             .
     .      Outnumbered and outgunned,  the Rebellion burns across the   .    .
 .      vast reaches of space and a thousand-thousand worlds, with only     .
     . their great courage - and the mystical power known as the Force -
      flaming a fire of hope.                                    .
        This is a  galaxy  of wondrous aliens,  bizarre monsters,  strange   .
  . Droids, powerful weapons, great heroes, and terrible villains.  It is a
   galaxy of fantastic worlds,  magical devices, vast fleets, awesome machi-  .
  nery, terrible conflict, and unending hope.              .         .
 .        .          .    .    .            .            .                   .
                .               ..       .       .   .             .
  .      .     T h i s   i s   t h e   g a l a x y   o f   . . .             .
                      .              .       .                    .      .
 .        .               .       .     .            .
    .           .        .                     .        .            .
              .               .    .          .              .   .         .
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                                            .               .
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 ' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' |_____________| `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-
                                         __               ________
   Type .................... Assassin   /XX\             /  ____  \
   Class ...................... Droid   \XX/            /__/####\__\
   Sensors ..... Radar, Aural, Visual   /  \     .-._.----.______.----._.-.
   Brain .................. Neutronic   \__/    /   \X\              /X/   \
   Armament .. 2 Fixed Blaster Rifles   /XX\   /___ |_|______  ______|_| ___\
   Drive .................... Bipedal   \XX/   |   || |------\/------| ||   |
   Bounty ...................... 5000   /  \   |  |`' |      ||      | `'|  |
                                        \__/   |__|   |_     ||     _|   |__|
   The Merr-Sonn "Assault" 5 Assassin   /  \    |||    |     ||     |    |||
   Droid  is  extremely efficient and   \__/    |||    |__   ||   __|    |||
   versatile  (faster  reflexes  than   /XX\   _|_|_     |`--'`--'|     _|_|_
   humans and aliens,  first-shot ca-   \XX/   |___|     [========]     |___|
   pacity  of 79%,  kill ratio  90%).   /  \   /|| |.---._|__  __|_.---.| ||\
      This  intelligent  killing  ma-   \__/  / || ||HHH|___/  \___|HHH|| || \
   chine  is  capable  of  widespread   /XX\  | || ||HHH|  `----'  |HHH|| || |
   destruction. Deadly.                 \XX/  |_||_||_  |          |  _||_||_|
                                        /  \    ||   |  |          |  |   ||
                                        \__/    `'   |  |          |  |   `'
                                        /  \ LS      |  |          |  |
                                        \__/             front view
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          LS |  #  |#                         |/---+'
     BioTronics Security Droid               /        \_
                                       LS   /\0_________\
            __________                      \/===========
      .-         |         -.         AccuTronics B1 Worker Droid
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    Cybot Galactica's AC1 "Spy-Eye"      BioTronics Battle Droid
          Surveillance Droid
                                         _____                 .-------.   LS
                                   LS  .'/L|__`.              /.\:::::/.\
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       Interrogation Droid          Astromech Droid            Intruder
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               Medical Droid
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     |==|  ||                                      Incom's T-65B X-wing Space
     |==| _| |                                      Superiority Starfighter
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                        ->X-Wing<-            Sienar Fleet System's TIE/In
                                              Space Superiority Starfighter
       _                                            _
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      | |                                          | |
      | |                                          | |
      | |                                          | |
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                      Sienar Fleet System's TIE Bomber
                             Light Space Bomber
            .            .                     .
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       .       ~--~         Kuat Drive Yard's Imperial-class Star Destroyer
                      .                                               .
 LS                        .                      .                      .
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                    .      Rendili StarDrive's Victory-Class Star Destroyer
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          ->MilleniumFalconTop<-                   `.  /._________.\  .'
                                                LS   `--._________.--'
                                         Modified Corellian YT-1300 Transport
                       ____               /._\
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   Ubrikkian GAVx Q7 Space-car
   |  |  |`-._______________________________________
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      \__|__|_/__________________________|_____.-'               <_______|
                                   \_X             LS        __,.----'__`+
                                      \                     '------:_____]   LS
 Telgorn Corporation's Gamma-class Assault Shuttle.       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                                    /\           .
          ________________                         |  `.
   ___   /:::::::||:::::::\                        `.   \                    .
     _|_/________||________\_                .      |    `.
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      \                __.--~                .        |_./|_.'/))    .
       \___________.--~             LS                /()_.-'/ /`-.
                                                     / / _.-'\/_   `-.__
         Incom's T-47 Airspeeder                    (./())      ~~--..__~`-o
                                               .     | /   .            `-'
  ______________                                     //       .   .
  T              ~-._                               //                      .
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  l______________.-"                                               \  \
                                                                    \  \     .
               ->Speeder<-                      .              LS    \  \
                                                         .            \  \
                                                                       \_ \
                                                 Lambda-class Imperial shuttle
  _   _   _   _   _   _   _|                     |_   _   _   _   _   _   _
 <_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_| C H A R A C T E R S |_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-
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    `|#| ` \_  |__/|             |    |      XX|~ | |         | .'     |||
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       |   |   |   |              |  ||.'`.||  |   )          `+.__._._+~' LS
       \  //   \ -/|              |  `'|  |`'  |  /
       |___|   |  /|          LS  |    |  |    |\/       Imperial Royal Guard
        ###    |___|
        ###     ###                    Boba Fett
        ###     ###
        ###     ###
       ####     ###
    .####''     ###
           LS    ###
      Bespin guard
      |l                                        __________________________
      ||                                       |          .... ..         |
      ||                                       |        .;:-%/%%%%::      |
     .'`.                                      |       %:'%%%%'~%%%/:.    |
     |==|                                      |      :/  `%~    :\%::.   |
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     |:\  `: |                   | :           | _.-'~  \           .' `. |
     `--|  | |                  .' |           |~        `-._____.-'     `|
        |  | |               LS |  |           |__________________________|
            Princess Leia Organa                      Senator Palpatine
                       _    _  __  _  _ _____  ___ ___
                       | /\ | |__| |\ |   |   |___ |  \
                       |/  \| |  | | \|   |   |___ |__/
          F O R   C R I M E S   A G A I N S T   T H E   E M P I R E
  ________________________  _________________________  _______________________
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 |                    8b  ||   ~ - |888888   `8b/:/:\||;%/ //;/(\`.':| ::`\\;`|
 |                    `8  ||       |888888    88\/~~;||;/~( \|./;)|.|):;\. \\-|
 |                     8b ||       (888888b   88|  / ||/',:\//) ||`.|| (:\)):%|
 | LS      .           `8 ||\       \888888   8-:   /||,|/;/(%;.||| (|(\:- ; :|
 L u k e  S k y w a l k e r      H a n   S o l o          C h e w b a c c a
 Self-Proclaimed Jedi Knight     Smuggler, Pirate         Smuggler, Pirate
      500,000 credits            200,000 Credits          100,000 credits
                The above are wanted for the following crimes:
     - Liberation of a known criminal, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan -
          - Direct involvement in armed revolt against the Empire -
                               - High treason -
                                - Espionage -
                                - Conspiracy -
                     - Destruction of Imperial Property -
            These individuals are considered extremely dangerous.
        E X P E R I E N C E D   B O U N T Y   H U N T E R S   O N L Y
   The Empire will not  be held  responsible  for any  injuries or property
   loss arising from the  attempted apprehension of these  notorious crimi-
   nals. Bounty is for live capture only! For more information contact your
   local Imperial Intelligence Office.
     |:::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::|  ___
     |:::::::::::'~||~~~``:::::::::::::| |   |
     |::::::::'   .':     o`:::::::::::| | D | a r t h   V a d e r
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     |:::'   __. ,.ooo~~.    \ o`::::::|
     |:::   . -. 88`78o/:     \  `:::::|
     |::'     /. o o \ ::      \88`::::| "He will join us or die."
     |:;     o|| 8 8 |d.        `8 `:::|
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     |   o8  d88P . 88   ' d88P   ..   |
     |  88P  888   d8P   ' 888         |
     |   8  d88P.'d:8  .- dP~ o8       |
     |      888   888    d~ o888    LS |
  _   _   _   _   _   _   _   |               |   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
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 ' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-'|_______________|`-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-
                                             __ 1      1 __        _.xxxxxx.
              ____            [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/.\||||||XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
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             |::::::::::::|2|%%%%%%%%%%%%\::::::::::|::::::|::::||X /
             |::::,-------|_|~~~~~~~~~~~~~`---=====-------------':||  5
              ~~~~                       |===|:::::|::::::::|::====:\O
   A BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster        |=3=|::4::`'::::::`':||__||:|
   pistol, made famous by the renowned   |===|:::::::/  ))\:::`----':/
   smuggler Han Solo.                    `===|::::::|  // //~`######b
                                             `--------=====/  ######B
   1 - Sight Adjustments                                      `######b
   2 - Stun Setting                                      LS    #######b
   3 - Air Cooling Vent                                        #######B
   4 - Power Pack                                              `#######b
   5 - Power Pack Release Lever                                 #######P
                                     _____   ___
         --[=]-                  [88[  O  ]88888]  o
    _______|_|              .-.   .-|-===-|------|b|      .o8
   |         |-------|------| |---| ||o  ||    | |88888888888
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          =[_]=                   |++-----+--|  )888  \__8888
                                  ||         `==='88b    `888
                                                  888     `88
                                                  `88b     `8
      Blastech A280 Blaster Rifle                 d88P  LS  `
            ___________                     .------------.
           | | |.-.| | |                    |            | BlasTech DL-18
      |\   |_.-~ 8 ~-._|   /|               |            | Blaster Pistol
      | \  `  SHIELD   '  / |               |       o--._|_ _
 \\-+-|  \               /  |-+-//          |      / /.-.-':o|
 |\\| |   \             / /|| |//|          |     >`- `|  |.--..__
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      |  .----------------. |               |   |::;||  ~-'-'
      | /__________________\|               |   `:_:||   |
      | \                  /|               |      ~-'   |
      |  `----------------' |               | LS         |
      |   | ||L/___\L|| |   |               |            |
      |   | |<=======>| |   |               `------------'
      |   | |/       \| |   |
      |   | /* *      \ |   | LS                       _____
      |   |/* X *      \|   |                         /_____\
   __ |   /  * *        \   | __                 ____[\`---'/]____
  /_/ |  /               \  | \_\               /\ #\ \_____/ /# /\
 |  |/| /      _____      \ |\|  |             /  \# \_.---._/ #/  \
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 //-+-      (/~|   |~\)      -+-\\           /___/ | | |   | | | \___\
                                             |  |  | | |---| | |  |  |
              Arcade                         |__|  \_| |_#_| |_/  |__|
       "Use the Force, Luke!"                //\\  <\ _//^\\_ />  //\\
                                             \||/  |\//// \\\\/|  \||/
                                                   |   |   |   |
                                                   |---|   |---|
                                                   |---|   |---|
                                                   |   |   |   |
                                                   |___|   |___|
                                                   /   \   /   \
                                                  |_____| |_____|
                                                  |HHHHH| |HHHHH|  LS
                                                Zero G assault armour
 _____ _ _ _ __ __ __  _ ___ _   __  ___  __ __  __  _  ___ _ _  __ _________
 %=x%= | |V| |_)|_ |_) | |_| |   |_) |_| (_  |_  |_) |  |_| |\| (_  %=x%=x%=x
 ~~~~~ | | | |  |_ | \ | | | |_  |_) | | __) |_  |   |_ | | | | __) ~~~~~~~~~
                  .-. .-.
                .=========.         E x t e r i o r ,   A e r i a l   V i e w
                ||.-.7.-.||         -----------------------------------------
                ||`-' `-'||
                 `-'| |`-'8               1 .............. Sensor Suite Tower
           ______   |9|   ______          2 ... Heavy Twin Turbolaser Turrets
          /     /\__| |__/\     \         3 ............. Heavy Laser Turrets
         /  \_ / /  |_|  \ \ _/  \        4 ....... TIE Fighter Launch Chutes
        /___(\\\/         \///)___\       5 ............... Heavy Blast Doors
        \____\\`==========='//____/       6 .................... Guard towers
        /     '/ .-------. \\     \       7 ........ Shuttle Landing Platform
     __/     //. \`+---+'/ .\\     \__    8 ........... AT-AT Docking Station
    /\ \    ///x`.\|___|/.'x\\\    / /\   9 ................. Connecting Ramp
   /  \ \  //`-._//|   |\\_.2'\\  / /  \
  /  _.-==='_____//.-=-.\\_____`===-._  \
  \   `-===.\-.  \ `-=1' /  .-/.===-' 3 / The pre-fabricated,  multi-function
   \  / /  \\\ \  \.===./  /4///  \ \  /  Imperial garrison base is the back-
    \/_/    \\\ | /.---.\ | ///    \_\/   bone of the  Empire's  occupational
       \     \\\|/ |_m_| \|///     /      forces. These heavily-armoured for-
        \_____\=============/_____/       tresses have  walls up to 10 meters
        /____///    ___    \\\____\       thick  to  guard   against   ground
        \   (_//\__|||||__/\\_)   /       assaults,  and  powerful  deflector
         \  /  \|,,|||||,,|/  \  /        shields  protect  them  for  air or
          \_____|  | 5 | 6|_____/         space attacks.
                `--'   `--'
                            U           E x t e r i o r ,   S i d e   V i e w
                           /_\          -------------------------------------
                        1 [___]
                          :`:':           1 .............. Sensor Suite Tower
                          `:::'           2 ... Heavy Twin Turbolaser Turrets
                   _       :_:       _    3 ............. Heavy Laser Turrets
                 =[ ]2     [%]      [ ]=  4 ....... Tie Fighter Launch Chutes
                  :=:      :=:      :=:   5 ............... Heavy Blast Doors
                 _|_|_   __| |__   _|_|_  6 .................... Guard Towers
                / /XX|\ /__|_|__\ /|XX\ \
          3    /4/XXX| | _/___\_ | |XXX\ \             7 ....... AT-AT Walker
     --===____/--===X|_|/_______\|_|X===--\____===--   8 ........ AT-ST Scout
      /__| |     /l_\\             //_|\     |_|__\
     /~~.' |    /:'  \\   _____   //  `:\    | `.  \
    /   | .'   / |    \\==|||||==//    | \   `. |   \   7    8
   /   .' |   / .'     |  ||5|| 6|     `. \   | `.   \  xx=   _
  /____|__|__/__|______l__|||||__l______|__\__|__|____\ ll   <~
                                                  O u t e r   D e f e n s e s
             |                      |             ---------------------------
          ^_[]_^                 ^_[]_^
          |----|               5 |----|        1 ... High Voltage Death Fence
  ________`-..-'________4________`-..-'______  2 ....... Perimeter Gate House
  ===========================================  3 ........ Powered Force Field
           `||'                   `||'         4 .......... Fortified Catwalk
            ||     ^==^   ^==^     ||          5 ......... Observattion tower
  ___.____._ll_._1_|--|   |--|___._ll_.____.____
  The outer perimeter is  marked  by a  high-voltage  "death fence."  Powered
  Force fields  placed at regular intervals along the fence may be turned off
  to permit entry and exit.  Observation towers,  connected by fortified cat-
  walks,  are set back from the fence and constantly manned by stormtroopers.
  Other outer  defenses  include energy mine fields,  modified patrol Droids,
  and AT-ST Scout Walkers.
             /|                               L a n d i n g   P l a t f o r m
           -==+                               -------------------------------
          [__________]               Up to two Lambda-class shuttles and four
          `' ||  ||`-'               AT-AT  Walkers can dock at the platform.
            ========  =xx            A loading  ramp  leads directly from the
             ||  ||    ll            platform into the garrison complex.
                                      I n t e r i o r ,   L e v e l s   1 - 5
           ______         ______      The first 5 levels of the garrison com-
          / ____ \_______/ ____ \     plex are of identical layout, construc-
         / /    \_________/    \ \    ted  around  a  level-spanning  surface
        / /      |   3   |  5   \ \   vehicle bay.  Refer to the key below to
        \ \       \_____/_______/ /   determine what each level contains.
        / /    o   |o o|   o    \ \
     __/ /  2    .' o4o `.    6  \ \__    1 ... Storage Gallery (levels 1-2),
    / __/      .' ._o_o_. `.      \__ \         Armory (levels 3-4), Training
   / /  `-.  .' .'  10   `. `.  .-'  \ \        Facilities   and   Recreation
  / /      ~' .'`-._____.-'`. `~      \ \       Rooms (level 5)
  \ \     o  <  C  | | |  D  >  o  7  / / 2 ... Stormtrooper Barracks (levels
   \ \__      \    ' ' '    /      __/ /        1-3),    Security    Barracks
    \__ \  1  |----  9  ----|~-._ / __/         (levels 4-5)
       \ \    |====    B====|    Y /      3 ...... Base Security (levels 1-5)
        \ \   |----     ----|   / /       4 ......... Turbolifts (levels 1-6)
        / /   |__A_     _ __| 8 \ \       5 .... Detention Block (levels 1-5)
        \ \      | |   | |      / /       6 ... Technical and Service Person-
         \ \_____| |   | |_____/ /              nel Barracks (levels 1-5)
          \_____ `o|   |o' _____/         7 ... Technical Shops (levels 1-2),
                `--'   `--'                     Medical   Bay    (level   3),
                                                Science Labs (levels 4-5)
                 8 ... Storage Gallery (levels 1-2), Droid Shops (levels 3-5)
                 9 ...................... Surface Vehicle  Bay  (levels 1-5):
                 A .................................. AT-ST Scout Walker bays
                 B ........................................ AT-AT Walker Bays
                 C ...................... Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Deck
                 D ........................................ Speeder Bike Deck
                 10 ........................... Miscellaneous Vehicle Parking
                                            I n t e r i o r ,   L e v e l   6
          ____           ____
         / __ \_________/ __ \        Base command personnel,  control rooms,
        / /  \___________/  \ \       rooms,  trade  mission,  and diplomatic
        \ \ o     oo      o / /       offices are located on this level.
        / /       oo----.   \ \
       / /   8  __oo     `.1 \ \      1 ....... Sensor Monitors, Tractor Beam
    __/ /\    .~  ||   2   \  \ \__                       and Shield Controls
   / __/  \ .' 9.-'`-.      | /\__ \  2 ....................... Computer Room
  / /   o  \|__:   o  :_____|/ o  \ \ 3 ....................... Meating Rooms
  \ \__  7 .---: 10   :------.3 __/ / 4 ...... Officers' and Pilots' Quarters
   \__ \  /     `-..-'        \/ __/  5 ... Trade Mission, Diplomatic Offices
      \ \/\   5   ||          / /     6 ........... Base Commander's Quarters
       \ \ `.     ||    4    / /                                  and offices
        \ \ o~`---||      o / /       7 ............ Officer Recreation Rooms
        / /6  ____||_____   \ \       8 ............................. Offices
        \ \__/ _________ \__/ /       9 ................... Base Control Room
         \____/         \____/        10 ..................... Reception Area
                                            I n t e r i o r ,   L e v e l   7
         __             __
        /_]\           /[_\        The TIE Fighter  Hanger  Deck  houses  the
        \ \,===========./ /        garrison's TIE fighters in standard-design
        //:o-----------o:\\        ceiling racks.  Bases are usually equipped
       /// X  X X X X  X \\\       with  30 TIE fighters and five TIE bombers
      /// X X  X_X_X  X X \\\      (a single  bomber  takes  up the same rack
   __/// X X   [___]   X X \\\__   space as two fighters).  Five  to 15 ships
  /\_/o X X  1 &/3\&    X X o\_/\  are on constant  patrol,  depending on the
  \]_\\ X X   <\\_//>       //_[/  base's readiness level.
     \\\ X X   \>&