#!/usr/bin/perl #H# This script poles the various IP registries and makes a list of all subnets #H# that are outside of the US and CA. It writes them to /etc/pf/foreigners.txt #H# which is in the format that pf uses for tables. #H# There are exceptions and additional IPs stored in 2 hashes: #H# %Exceptions and %Spammers #H# #H# Here are the pf rules to implament this as a redirector to spamd: #H# table persist file "/etc/pf/foreigners.txt" #H# rdr on de1 proto tcp from to de1 port 25 -> de1 port 8025 use Net::CIDR::Lite; my $cidr = Net::CIDR::Lite->new; # backup the old file just in case something goes FUBAR system ("/usr/local/bin/gcp -f /etc/pf/foreigners.txt /etc/pf/foreigners.txt.old"); # a list of exceptions that don't get firewalled. %Exceptions=(); $Exceptions{""}="Gentoo Weekly Newsletter"; $Exceptions{""}="Bought something from them"; $Exceptions{""}="Sent legit email about my pictures site"; $Exceptions{""}="Sent legit email about my pictures site"; $Exceptions{""}="Gentoo list"; $Exceptions{""}="OpenBSD"; $Exceptions{""}="SyncPOD"; $Exceptions{""}="gentoo emails"; $Exceptions{""}="gentoo emails"; $Exceptions{""}="bunkus.org"; $Exceptions{""}="Joker"; $Exceptions{""}="1and1"; $Exceptions{""}="comoo"; $Exceptions{""}="comodo"; $Exceptions{""}="pledgebank"; $Exceptions{""}="gandi"; $Exceptions{""}="gandi"; $Exceptions{""}="Asus"; $Exceptions{""}="Gmane"; $Exceptions{""}="Gmane"; $Exceptions{""}="Mplayer"; $Exceptions{""}="Mplayer"; $Exceptions{""}="Howtoforge"; $Exceptions{""}="Avast"; $Exceptions{""}="Avast"; $Exceptions{""}="Avast"; $Exceptions{""}="dynamicrange.de"; $Exceptions{""}="ZDNet"; $Exceptions{""}="NetGear"; $Exceptions{""}="pcplanetsystems"; $Exceptions{""}="newzbin"; $Exceptions{""}="OpenSSH/mindrot"; # a blacklist of known spammers %Spammers=(); $Spammers{""}="Sent me a Sprint spam"; $Spammers{""}="sent stupid newsletter"; $Spammers{""}="Marketing company"; $Spammers{""}="Marketing company"; $Spammers{""}="Marketing company"; # check for verbosity if ($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { $Verbose="Y"; $MVParams="-fv"; $RMParams="-fv"; } else { $Verbose="N"; $MVParams="-f"; $RMParams="-f"; } # ftp sites for the different NICs %FTP=(); $FTP{"GeoLite"}="http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip"; $IPCount=0; $CIDRCount=0; $TempFile=`mktemp`; chomp $TempFile; foreach $NIC (keys(%FTP)) { if ($Verbose eq "Y") { print "Getting IPs from $NIC...\t"; } system ("wget -q -O- $FTP{$NIC} > $TempFile"); open (LIST, "/usr/local/bin/unzip -p $TempFile |"); $Count=0; while () { $Line=$_; ($Junk,$BeginIP,$Junk,$EndIP,$Junk,$Junk,$Junk,$Junk,$Junk,$Country,$Junk)=split (/"/,$Line,11); if ($Country ne "US" && $Country ne "*" && $Country ne "CA") { $Count++; $CIDRCount++; #$IPCount=$IPCount+$NumIP; $Loop=1; $Range=$BeginIP . "-" . $EndIP; $cidr->add_range($Range); } } close (LIST); system ("rm -f $TempFile"); if ($Count <= 1) { close (FILE); system ("/usr/local/bin/grm $RMParams /etc/pf/foreigners.txt.new"); die ("Can't get records from $NIC\n"); } if ($Verbose eq "Y") { print "added $Count.\n"; } } close (FILE); if ($Verbose eq "Y") { print "Merging connected CIDR blocks...\n"; } open (FILE, ">/etc/pf/foreigners.txt.new"); $MergedCIDRCount=0; @cidr_list = $cidr->list; foreach $Block (@cidr_list) { print (FILE "$Block\n"); $MergedCIDRCount++; } print (FILE "#Known spammers\n"); foreach $IP (keys (%Spammers)) { print (FILE "$IP\n"); } print (FILE "#Exceptions\n"); foreach $IP (keys (%Exceptions)) { print (FILE "!$IP\n"); } close (FILE); system ("/usr/local/bin/gmv $MVParams /etc/pf/foreigners.txt.new /etc/pf/foreigners.txt"); if ($Verbose eq "Y") { print "Total CIDR blocks added: $CIDRCount\n"; #print "Total IP Addresses contained within those CIDR blocks: $IPCount\n"; print "Total CIDR block after merging: $MergedCIDRCount.\n"; }