#!/bin/csh -f #H# This script makes compatibility symlinks on an OpenBSD system. #H# It assumes you have installed findutils, coreutils #H# ggrep, rsync, gshar+gunshar, vim, tcsh, and bash. #H# You will also need to have nullmailer installed for that portion of this (which is why #H# that info is only echoed). cd /usr/local/bin foreach f (basename cat chgrp chmod chown cp cpio cut date dd df dircolors du find grep head ln locate logname ls md5sum mkdir mv nice pwd rm rmdir sed shar sleep sort split tail tee touch tr uname uniq unshar updatedb wc who whoami xargs nl) ln -s g$f $f end ln -s /usr/bin/perl ./ ln -s vim vi ln -s /usr/local/bin/tcsh /bin/ ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /bin/ ln -s /usr/local/bin/dash /bin/ ln -s /usr/local/bin/rsync /usr/bin/ echo "/bin/tcsh" >> /etc/shells echo "/bin/bash" >> /etc/shells echo "/bin/dash" >> /etc/shells echo "_____________________________________________________________________" echo "If you want nullmailer paste the following lines into your shell..." echo "rm /usr/bin/mailq" echo "ln -s /usr/local/nullmailer/bin/mailq /usr/bin/mailq" echo "rm /usr/sbin/sendmail" echo "ln -s /usr/local/nullmailer/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail" echo "chmod 000 /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail" echo "ln -s /usr/local/nullmailer/etc/nullmailer /etc/nullmailer" echo "mv /etc/mailer.conf.nullmailer /etc/mailer.conf" echo "sendmail /usr/local/nullmailer/sbin/sendmail" > /etc/mailer.conf.nullmailer echo "send-mail /usr/local/nullmailer/sbin/sendmail" >> /etc/mailer.conf.nullmailer echo "mailq /usr/local/nullmailer/bin/mailq" >> /etc/mailer.conf.nullmailer echo "newaliases /usr/local/nullmailer/sbin/sendmail" >> /etc/mailer.conf.nullmailer echo "hoststat /usr/local/nullmailer/sbin/sendmail" >> /etc/mailer.conf.nullmailer echo "purgestat /usr/local/nullmailer/sbin/sendmail" >> /etc/mailer.conf.nullmailer