Mrxvt.autohideTabbar: False #Mrxvt.minVisibleTabs: 8 # Mrxvt.maxTabWidth: 17 # Mrxvt.hideButtons: True #Mrxvt.syncTabTitle: True #Mrxvt.highlightTabOnBell: True Mrxvt.scrollBar: true Mrxvt.scrollbarRight: true Mrxvt.scrollbarStyle: rxvt Mrxvt.saveLines: 5000 Mrxvt.scrollTtyOutputInhibit: true Mrxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: true #Mrxvt.xft: 1 #Mrxvt.xftFont: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono #Mrxvt.xftSize: 13 #Mrxvt.xftAntialias: 1 #Mrxvt.xftPFont: Bitstream Vera Sans #Mrxvt.xftPSize: 10 #Mrxvt.cursorBlink: true #Mrxvt.cursorColor: #00ff00 #Mrxvt.cursorColor2: #000000 # Setup colors for a black background. Mrxvt.background: #000000 Mrxvt.foreground: #9a9a9a Mrxvt.color0: #000000 Mrxvt.color1: #af0000 Mrxvt.color2: #00af00 Mrxvt.color3: #afaf00 Mrxvt.color4: #0000af Mrxvt.color5: #af00af Mrxvt.color6: #00afaf Mrxvt.color7: #9a9a9a Mrxvt.color8: #5f5f5f Mrxvt.color9: #d70000 Mrxvt.color10: #00d700 Mrxvt.color11: #d7d700 Mrxvt.color12: #0000d7 Mrxvt.color13: #d700d7 Mrxvt.color14: #00d7d7 Mrxvt.color15: #d7d7d7 # Make double click select whole URL's #Mrxvt.cutChars: :=/~#@?%&_-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Mrxvt.cutChars: _0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz # Blank the mouse pointer on keystrokes or after 10 seconds of inactivity. #Mrxvt.pointerBlank: True #Mrxvt.pointerBlankDelay: 10 # Don't close the tab if the secondary screen is displayed (e.g. when running # vim). Mrxvt.protectSecondary: True # Run as a login shell. # Mrxvt.loginShell: True # Enable session management # Mrxvt.sessionMgt: true # # --------------------------------- PROFILES --------------------------------- # #Mrxvt.profile0.command: \!LANG=en_US exec $SHELL # 1xx: mysql # 2xx: mms # 3xx: mqs # 4xx: dcs # 5xx: mr Mrxvt.profile101.command: ressh -t root@mysql01 tcsh Mrxvt.profile101.tabTitle: M01 Mrxvt.profile102.command: ressh -t root@mysql02 tcsh Mrxvt.profile102.tabTitle: M02 Mrxvt.profile103.command: ressh -t root@mysql03 tcsh Mrxvt.profile103.tabTitle: M03 Mrxvt.profile104.command: ressh -t root@mysql04 tcsh Mrxvt.profile104.tabTitle: M04 Mrxvt.profile105.command: ressh -t root@mysql05 tcsh Mrxvt.profile105.tabTitle: M05 Mrxvt.profile106.command: ressh -t root@mysql06 tcsh Mrxvt.profile106.tabTitle: M06 Mrxvt.profile107.command: ressh -t root@mysql07 tcsh Mrxvt.profile107.tabTitle: M07 Mrxvt.profile108.command: ressh -t root@mysql08 tcsh Mrxvt.profile108.tabTitle: M08 Mrxvt.profile109.command: ressh -t root@mysql09 tcsh Mrxvt.profile109.tabTitle: M09 Mrxvt.profile110.command: ressh -t root@mysql10 tcsh Mrxvt.profile110.tabTitle: M10 Mrxvt.profile111.command: ressh -t root@mysql11 tcsh Mrxvt.profile111.tabTitle: M11 Mrxvt.profile112.command: ressh -t root@mysql12 tcsh Mrxvt.profile112.tabTitle: M12 Mrxvt.profile113.command: ressh -t root@mysql13 tcsh Mrxvt.profile113.tabTitle: M13 Mrxvt.profile114.command: ressh -t root@mysql14 tcsh Mrxvt.profile114.tabTitle: M14 Mrxvt.profile115.command: ressh -t root@mysql15 tcsh Mrxvt.profile115.tabTitle: M15 Mrxvt.profile116.command: ressh -t root@mysql16 tcsh Mrxvt.profile116.tabTitle: M16 Mrxvt.profile117.command: ressh -t root@mysql17 tcsh Mrxvt.profile117.tabTitle: M17 Mrxvt.profile118.command: ressh -t root@mysql18 tcsh Mrxvt.profile118.tabTitle: M18 Mrxvt.profile119.command: ressh -t root@mysql19 tcsh Mrxvt.profile119.tabTitle: M19 Mrxvt.profile206.command: ressh -t root@mms0006 tcsh Mrxvt.profile206.tabTitle: MMS06 Mrxvt.profile214.command: ressh -t root@mms0014 tcsh Mrxvt.profile214.tabTitle: MMS14 Mrxvt.profile242.command: ressh -t root@mms0042 tcsh Mrxvt.profile242.tabTitle: MMS42 #Mrxvt.profile601.command: ressh -t root@cldb0001-01 tcsh #Mrxvt.profile601.tabTitle: CLDB1-1 #Mrxvt.profile602.command: ressh -t root@cldb0001-02 tcsh #Mrxvt.profile602.tabTitle: CLDB1-2 Mrxvt.profile301.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0001 tcsh Mrxvt.profile301.tabTitle: MQS01 Mrxvt.profile302.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0002 tcsh Mrxvt.profile302.tabTitle: MQS02 Mrxvt.profile303.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0003 tcsh Mrxvt.profile303.tabTitle: MQS03 Mrxvt.profile304.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0004 tcsh Mrxvt.profile304.tabTitle: MQS04 Mrxvt.profile305.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0005 tcsh Mrxvt.profile305.tabTitle: MQS05 Mrxvt.profile306.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0006 tcsh Mrxvt.profile306.tabTitle: MQS06 Mrxvt.profile307.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0007 tcsh Mrxvt.profile307.tabTitle: MQS07 Mrxvt.profile308.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0008 tcsh Mrxvt.profile308.tabTitle: MQS08 Mrxvt.profile309.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0009 tcsh Mrxvt.profile309.tabTitle: MQS09 Mrxvt.profile310.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0010 tcsh Mrxvt.profile310.tabTitle: MQS10 Mrxvt.profile311.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0011 tcsh Mrxvt.profile311.tabTitle: MQS11 Mrxvt.profile312.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0012 tcsh Mrxvt.profile312.tabTitle: MQS12 Mrxvt.profile313.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0013 tcsh Mrxvt.profile313.tabTitle: MQS13 Mrxvt.profile314.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0014 tcsh Mrxvt.profile314.tabTitle: MQS14 Mrxvt.profile315.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0015 tcsh Mrxvt.profile315.tabTitle: MQS15 Mrxvt.profile316.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0016 tcsh Mrxvt.profile316.tabTitle: MQS16 Mrxvt.profile317.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0017 tcsh Mrxvt.profile317.tabTitle: MQS17 Mrxvt.profile318.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0018 tcsh Mrxvt.profile318.tabTitle: MQS18 Mrxvt.profile319.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0019 tcsh Mrxvt.profile319.tabTitle: MQS19 Mrxvt.profile320.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0020 tcsh Mrxvt.profile320.tabTitle: MQS20 Mrxvt.profile321.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0021 tcsh Mrxvt.profile321.tabTitle: MQS21 Mrxvt.profile322.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0022 tcsh Mrxvt.profile322.tabTitle: MQS22 Mrxvt.profile323.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0023 tcsh Mrxvt.profile323.tabTitle: MQS23 Mrxvt.profile324.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0024 tcsh Mrxvt.profile324.tabTitle: MQS24 Mrxvt.profile325.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0025 tcsh Mrxvt.profile325.tabTitle: MQS25 Mrxvt.profile326.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0026 tcsh Mrxvt.profile326.tabTitle: MQS26 Mrxvt.profile327.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0027 tcsh Mrxvt.profile327.tabTitle: MQS27 Mrxvt.profile328.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0028 tcsh Mrxvt.profile328.tabTitle: MQS28 Mrxvt.profile329.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0029 tcsh Mrxvt.profile329.tabTitle: MQS29 Mrxvt.profile330.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0030 tcsh Mrxvt.profile330.tabTitle: MQS30 Mrxvt.profile331.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0031 tcsh Mrxvt.profile331.tabTitle: MQS31 Mrxvt.profile332.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0032 tcsh Mrxvt.profile332.tabTitle: MQS32 Mrxvt.profile333.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0033 tcsh Mrxvt.profile333.tabTitle: MQS33 Mrxvt.profile334.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0034 tcsh Mrxvt.profile334.tabTitle: MQS34 Mrxvt.profile335.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0035 tcsh Mrxvt.profile335.tabTitle: MQS35 Mrxvt.profile336.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0036 tcsh Mrxvt.profile336.tabTitle: MQS36 Mrxvt.profile337.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0037 tcsh Mrxvt.profile337.tabTitle: MQS37 Mrxvt.profile338.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0038 tcsh Mrxvt.profile338.tabTitle: MQS38 Mrxvt.profile339.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0039 tcsh Mrxvt.profile339.tabTitle: MQS39 Mrxvt.profile340.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0040 tcsh Mrxvt.profile340.tabTitle: MQS40 Mrxvt.profile341.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0041 tcsh Mrxvt.profile341.tabTitle: MQS41 Mrxvt.profile342.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0042 tcsh Mrxvt.profile342.tabTitle: MQS42 Mrxvt.profile343.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0043 tcsh Mrxvt.profile343.tabTitle: MQS43 Mrxvt.profile344.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0044 tcsh Mrxvt.profile344.tabTitle: MQS44 Mrxvt.profile345.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0045 tcsh Mrxvt.profile345.tabTitle: MQS45 Mrxvt.profile346.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0046 tcsh Mrxvt.profile346.tabTitle: MQS46 Mrxvt.profile347.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0047 tcsh Mrxvt.profile347.tabTitle: MQS47 Mrxvt.profile348.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0048 tcsh Mrxvt.profile348.tabTitle: MQS48 Mrxvt.profile349.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0049 tcsh Mrxvt.profile349.tabTitle: MQS49 Mrxvt.profile350.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0050 tcsh Mrxvt.profile350.tabTitle: MQS50 Mrxvt.profile351.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0051 tcsh Mrxvt.profile351.tabTitle: MQS51 Mrxvt.profile352.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0052 tcsh Mrxvt.profile352.tabTitle: MQS52 Mrxvt.profile353.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0053 tcsh Mrxvt.profile353.tabTitle: MQS53 Mrxvt.profile369.command: ressh -t -l root mqs0069 tcsh Mrxvt.profile369.tabTitle: MQS69 Mrxvt.profile401.command: ressh -t -l root dcs0001 tcsh Mrxvt.profile401.tabTitle: DCS01 Mrxvt.profile402.command: ressh -t -l root dcs0002 tcsh Mrxvt.profile402.tabTitle: DCS02 Mrxvt.profile501.command: ressh -t -l root clap0001-01 tcsh Mrxvt.profile501.tabTitle: CLAP1-1 Mrxvt.profile502.command: ressh -t -l root clap0001-02 tcsh Mrxvt.profile502.tabTitle: CLAP1-2 Mrxvt.profile503.command: ressh -t -l root clap0001-03 tcsh Mrxvt.profile503.tabTitle: CLAP1-3 Mrxvt.profile504.command: ressh -t -l root clap0001-04 tcsh Mrxvt.profile504.tabTitle: CLAP1-4 Mrxvt.profile702.command: ressh -t -l root oscar2 tcsh Mrxvt.profile702.tabTitle: OSCAR2 Mrxvt.profile703.command: ressh -t -l root oscar3 tcsh Mrxvt.profile703.tabTitle: OSCAR3 Mrxvt.profile704.command: ressh -t -l root oscar4 tcsh Mrxvt.profile704.tabTitle: OSCAR4 Mrxvt.profile705.command: ressh -t -l root oscar5 tcsh Mrxvt.profile705.tabTitle: OSCAR5 Mrxvt.profile706.command: ressh -t -l root oscar6 tcsh Mrxvt.profile706.tabTitle: OSCAR6 Mrxvt.profile707.command: ressh -t -l root oscar7 tcsh Mrxvt.profile707.tabTitle: OSCAR7 Mrxvt.profile708.command: ressh -t -l root oscar8 tcsh Mrxvt.profile708.tabTitle: OSCAR8 Mrxvt.profile709.command: ressh -t -l root oscar9 tcsh Mrxvt.profile709.tabTitle: OSCAR9 Mrxvt.profile710.command: ressh -t -l root oscar10 tcsh Mrxvt.profile710.tabTitle: OSCAR10 Mrxvt.profile901.command: ssh -vt -l root mqs0001 tcsh Mrxvt.profile901.tabTitle: MQS01